Thoroughly Modern Books
Alexis Harrington founded Sand Dollar Bookkeeping in 2015 after 7 years as an accounting assistant at TCG Chartered Professional Accountants. Alexis’ work experience went well beyond bookkeeping to personal and corporate tax preparation, non-resident filings, and estate tax preparation. This experience gives Alexis the knowledge to bookkeep with confidence and to a higher level knowing exactly what accounting staff are looking for. It also highlighted that the businesses that were succeeding were working with good a bookkeeper. Keen to work one on one to help develop strong small businesses in the community, she opened Sand Dollar Bookkeeping.
Alexis has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of British Columbia and a Diploma in Business Administration from Capilano University.
Sand Dollar Bookkeeping's goal is to integrate modern technology with the fundamentals of accounting. Gone are the days of data entry and boxes of receipts. All elements of a modern office should speak to one another in an integrated system that frees your time to do what you do best.
In 2017, Sand Dollar Bookkeeping became 100% dedicated to the Beautiful Xero Cloud Accounting system, and in May 2018, we achieved Xero Silver Partner status.